Union Tech is
A young company that keeps its promise
We will always do our best with a philosophy that puts promises with
customers first and an innovative attitude without complacency in the present.
Union Tech Co., Ltd., a young company that keeps its promise with customers of
"一諾千金(IL-Lak-Cheongeum;It means that a promise made once is equal to gold.)"
We, Union Tech, will do our best to develop/improve our products that will satisfy customers in the shipbuilding and
marine economy market. In addition, We will develop ITEM that can satisfy the needs of customers in the difficult shipbuilding
and marine economy market and take the initiative in product development, quality improvement, delivery compliance, and
follow-up management to become a company that innovates constant change and development.
We will become a company that innovates day by day with constant change and development.
Thank you.
Global blue-chip companies continue to grow based on ship parts
the world's best ship parts
Cultivate talent,
Create value constantly,
Innovate technology
to the nation and society
Quality · Environment
Continuous improvement activities for customer satisfaction
Quality improvement through quality management and continuous management
Achieve zero process defect rate
100% delivery rate achieved
100% Customer Satisfaction
Compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Code Responsibilities and Duties
Improve the company-wide health and safety environment
Efforts to improve all employees to create a pleasant and clean working environment
365 days of disaster-free achievement
Conduct safety training at least twice
Worker's health care is carried out every year
Conduct an annual risk assessment